Urban Dictionary: cripes
cripes - Translation into German - examples English Cripes, THAT is cold - but what else do I expect, after all the water is coming down from one of the mountains round here. Jesses , ist das kalt - aber was will man auch erwarten, das wasser kommt schliesslich aus irgendeinem der berge hier. Cripes dictionary definition | cripes defined Cripes is defined as a slang word used to show disgust or annoyance. An example of cripes used as an interjection is in the following sentence: "Cripes! What did I …
For cripe’s sake, I’m so tired of hearing the same ol
CRIPES | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary cripes meaning: an expression of surprise. Learn more.
For Cripes Sake.. Wednesday, April 08, 2009. Ch changes.. So I'm finally getting the transfer that I asked for a long time ago. Not really in the way that I had planned, but I'll take it, and I'll prove myself. I'll be back working with an Old boss. That's a first. But if I got to choose my boss?
20 Slang Terms You'll Hear Wisconsinites Say | The Big 920 Jul 24, 2017 Cripes Synonyms, Cripes Antonyms | Thesaurus.com Synonyms for cripes at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for cripes.